Friday, October 23, 2009


Over the past few months, I've been toying with some graphic designs. OK, it's COMPLETELY not my forte'. But I get inspired by random things and create these images. Sometimes its photoshopery, sometimes, its just abstractions of basic images. Not works fo art by any stretch of the imagination. The images that I've done relate to nothing. Have no real use. I've toyed with the idea of printing on canvas and/or fabric. Not sure exactly how to go about doing so, but will figure it out if I decide to venture futher into this little sidebar. I actually sometimes spend quite a bit of time on my 5,000 year old laptop creating these little buggers. Maybe if I get a little confidence one day, I'll post one or two. Who knows. eh. Just felt like saying it out loud. Now go! GO! and enjoy this beautiful friday!

1 comment:

  1. What a tease! Please post your work - your readers won't judge you!
