Monday, February 28, 2011

it's getting there..

We drove up to mom & dad's Friday night to spend Saturday working on the cabinets in preparation for moving them to the house Sunday. One small problem: we realized about 1:15 into a 1:30 drive that I forgot the paint. Whoops! Oh well.

Saturday we got up, sanded everything down, put the cabinets together, and drove to BR. We spent a good majority of the day Saturday putting the cabinets together and installing the hardware. The doors need a little adjusting to line up all the reveals perfectly and there is still glass to be bought for the top doors, but overall it looks great!

Sunday, we drove to 3 different Home Depots to get the cup pulls we wanted (each store had 2 or 3...except for the last store in BFE which had about 100,000). I finished the day off by putting the baseboard back, putting in shoe molding, caulking, and doing some touch-up painting throughout the house. What you see below is essentially finished, minus the stain on the butcher block top. Overall, I'd say quite the success. I have the best dad. ever.

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