OK, so today I FINALLY got up off my duff and took the desk apart.
Except for the fact that it was 500 degrees outside, it wasn't too bad a job. The metal trim you see around the desk face was about the worst of it all. The left side of the desk just fell apart...made my job easy. The right side was still held together pretty well, so I decided to leave well enough alone. It's still in one piece. The left side is in about 100. I took the drawers completely apart and laid them out to dry and un-swell. I'll have to go pick up some clamps and wood glue to finish the job of putting it back together.
The desk itself is made of pine and oak with oak veneers to cover the pine in some places. The craftsmanship hearkens back to an era where furniture was just made so much better than it is today. While this desk is huge, it's not that heavy and, before I took it apart, it was solid as a brick shit house. As there are tons of scratches, gouges, and holes in the wood and veneers, my thoughts at current are to just paint the darn thing. But look toward the bottom of the posting at the old top. Underneath the crappy formica, it has neat details where the center of the desk apparently opened at one time. So I think I'll sand down and stain & varnish the top so the beautiful wood will show through, while leaving the rest of it painted. Color options anyone?
Drawers out, looking a little pathetic...
Drawers completely dismantled.
Left side of the desk
Top of the desk
Detail of the sections..
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