A friend recently said that waiting for something was just torture. Having to wait for something you want was just plain not fun. It made me think back to a book I read: The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. In it, Dave says that if you can live without it, it's worth waiting for.
That's most of everything we buy today. We "need" it, but dont really need it. Its more of a mental thing. We force ourselves to believe we need it when in fact, we just want it and consider it essential. No matter what. No matter how insignificant. Its not so much that we cant live without it, but that it would make life so much easier, therefore we need it. Or it would make us happy, therefore we need it. Ever since I first read Dave's book, I've begun to realize that we "need" far more than we actually need. As a generation, we consume massive amounts of materials all in the name of "need." (i apologize for the overzealous use of quotations, but I "need" them. hehehe)
We tell ourselves we must be prepared for every possible outcome of every situation of every second of every day. So we fill our lives with "needs" or stuff. We dont need it. IT gives us security and makes us happy that we are able to provide for ourselves. So we get IT. Again, we dont really need it.
I think that's one of the biggest things I've taken from the last few years. I've learned to periodically purge and remove this excess from my life. This was hardly once the case; when I used to collect coke stuff or whatever struck my fancy. These days, I would lose my mind. Minimal. That is life. Why have all this excess on the off chance that you MIGHT use it? Share things. We borrow things from our friends who also have kids. It may make us seem like a mooch at times. But hey, why buy that thing if somebody you know has the same thing isnt using it? Why consume so much excess on the off chance that you MAY one day need it? It's not essential, so just wait. Save up. Get it when it actually becomes essential, which it most likely never will. There are far too many other good things to do with your time and money than to consume and buy and fill your life with all this misc junk you really dont need.
but that's just my late night thought for the day. Who am I kidding.
(see previous post for comments on opinion)
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