Monday, July 25, 2011

oh yeah, this thing...

Bad blogger! Bad. Blogger. OK, I'm not really a blogger, but I happen to have a blog which I'm too lazy to keep up. I never understood why people always said life got so busy when you got older. Until I got older...I'll be 30 in a few months yaknow?

Lately, life's been full of diapers, feedings, and just plain trying to keep up. A little extended time off for L meant a bit less pay this summer. While it was worth it for her to be off with Emmy for 3 months, it's slowed progress down here quite a bit. I STILL haven't ordered the remaining glass for the kitchen cabinets. It's also going to be a while before the new floor and lighting make their way in.

I have, however, started working on the outside of the house. Sigh. What a project! I've scraped a large section of the back of the house and washed sections. Once I get a couple of dry days, I'll sand it all down, putty what needs it, then prime and paint it. Stay tuned, there'll be pictures coming eventually. Until then, enjoy this: